Comparative Study of Vitamin D Deficiency between PCOD and Normal Women: A Prospective Hospital Based Study
Polycystic ovary syndrome, 25(OH) vitamin-D, Endocrine, Vitamin D deficiencyAbstract
Background: - Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, with a prevalence of 6–10% in the general population. PCOS is characterized by the following: ovulatory dysfunction resulting in oligo-amenorrhea and/or anovulation, hyperandrogenism and/or hirsutism and the presence of polycystic ovarian morphology by ultrasound. Vitamin D also plays a physiologic role in reproduction including ovarian follicular development and luteinization via altering anti- Müllerian hormone (AMH), signaling, follicle- stimulating hormone sensitivity and progesterone production in human granulosa cells. The aim of this study aimed to compare levels of vitamin D in women with PCOS and normal women. Methodology: - Total fifty women were included in this study. Among the fifty cases 50% were from PCOD group and 50% were normal. This study were conducted in the Dept. of Obs/Gynae, Madhubani Medical College, Bihar. Blood sample was taken and serum vitamin D concentration was measured.
Result: - Mean serum 25(OH) vitamin-D level in PCOD group and in control group is clinically significant.
Conclusion: - This study concludes that 25(OH) vitamin-D was clinically significant, but not sufficient to be a diagnostic tool for PCOS.
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