Impairment of cognition in patients of bipolar disorder in euthymia in Indian population
Bipolar disorder, euthymia, cognition, HAM - D, YMRSAbstract
Background: Bipolar disorder is one of the common mental disorders(CMD) in India. It leads to
significant cognitive deficit even during the period of euthymia. So, it is important to identify the various
cognitive deficits in euthymic bipolar disorder patients in Indian population.
Methods: The study was conducted over a period of 2 years in AIIMS Jodhpur, Rajasthan. 30 cases
and 30 controls were selected. Cases were selected by administering Hamilton depression rating
scale (HAM-D) and Young mania rating scale (YMRS) to the bipolar disorder patient, recruited from
Psychiatry OPD, to select the patients who were in euthymia. Cognitive domains such as attention,
memory, fluency, language and Visuospatial were tested in both the groups and compared. Kruskal
- Wallis test was employed to compare the 2 sample groups for different variables. In this study we
wanted to observe the decline in cognitive function in healthy vs euthymic bipolar disorder patients
and to know the various domains of cognition that are affected.
Results: This study shows a presence of cognitive decline in euthymic bipolar disorder patients as
compared to controls. A significant difference was found in all the cognitive domains namely attention,
memory, fluency, language and visuospatial between cases and controls.
Conclusion: This study shows a positive correlation between cognitive decline and bipolar patients
during the period of euthymia. This suggests that even though the bipolar disorder patient is in
remission, there is still a residual effect on cognition during euthymic state which can eventually affect
the day to day life and can hamper the quality of life
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