The Prospective Study on Acute Leukemia in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Rajsamand
acute leukemia’s, heterogeneous, hematological, ALL, ALMAbstract
Background: Acute leukemia are characterized by clonal expansion of immature myeloid or lymphoid precursors (blasts). The blasts cells are known to replace the normal hematopoietic tissues and to invade other organs of the body as well. Anemia, hemorrhage and infections occurring due to bone marrow failure are the top three complications of acute leukemia.
Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Rajsamand
Results: In The present study, 32 cases of different patterns of acute leukemia were reported. According to hematological parameters, 25 cases (78.1%), 2 cases (6.25%), 3 cases (28.1%) and 2 cases (6.25%) were reported as acute leukemia, AML, ALL and bi-lineage leukemia respectively.
Conclusions: The present study showed that AML is more prevalent than ALL. It is observed that ALL is more common in children. The incidence of AML is higher in adults in comparison to children and decreases towards older age.
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