To assess the applicability of newly introduced Blended teaching learning method among 1st year medical students and its comparison with usual traditional teaching learning technique.
Traditional teaching, Blended teaching, Likert scaleAbstract
BACKGROUND: Traditional teaching was always remain the mainstay of teaching method but newly introduced blended teaching emerging as supplement for the teachers and learner as well so this study was designed to assess applicability of new teaching methods and also comparing with the traditional methods.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the applicability of newly introduced Blended teaching learning method among 1st year medical students and its comparison with usual traditional teaching learning technique.
METHODS: The proposed study design is interventional & crossover type of study which consists of sample size of 150 medical students admitted in Ist prof. MBBS. All Students were divided into two groups of 75 each, Group-A & Group-B and were undergone for pre- & post-test evaluation for the topic-1&2 in crossover pattern. Faculty member of the medical college reviewed this newly introduced blended teaching technique with likert score. Student’s response was taken regarding provided questionnaire for student’s perception on likert scale.
RESULTS: The study shows the significant difference of change between pre- & post-test in anyone of the groups & with any of the teaching methods suggesting the usual importance of teaching methods. Further when comparing the differences of change between traditional or blended teaching among group A & B was found highly significant (p=0.0001) suggesting the importance of blended teaching. Student’s satisfaction and faculty review on likert scale imparting its accessibility.
CONCLUSION: This study has suggested that both teaching methods increase the knowledge of medical students of first year but they were gaining more knowledge and more satisfaction with blended methods. In this blended methodology students have faced a new kind of teaching that act as supplement for them.
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