A Prospective Observational Study on Pregnancy Outcome after 40 weeks of gestation


  • Kshiti Baxi Associate Professor, Department of Gynecology in PMCH, Udaipur. Author
  • Akansha Tripathi Assistant Professor, Department of Gynecology in PMCH, Udaipur. Author
  • Shalini Bansal Associate Professor, Department of Gynecology in PMCH, Udaipur. Author




Gestational age, LSCS, Foetal bradycardia, Oligohydramnios


Background: Delayed childbearing is increasing, and advanced maternal age is one of the reason that has been associated with an increased risk of obstetrical complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate pregnancy outcomes in women after 40 weeks of gestation

Methods: This study was conducted in over a period of one year. This study was carried out in Department of Gynecology in PMCH, Udaipur.

Results: In this study we were included 100 cases of pregnancy presenting after 40 weeks of gestation. We had seen mode of delivery in respect of gestational age. In this study we also observed indication for LSCS, in which 10 cases for oligohydramnios, 9 cases of foetal bradycardia, 8 cases of previous single LSCS & 1 case of previous two LSCS.

Conclusions: This study concludes that as gestational age advances, spontaneous onset of labour reduces.


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