A Prospective Study on Role of IV Amino Acid Infusion in Improving Pregnancy Outcome in Cases of Oligohydramnios
Oligohydramnios, Perinatal morbidity, foetal distressAbstract
Background: Adequate Amniotic fluid volume is essential for the normal growth and well-being of the foetus. Diminished liquor or oligohydramnios is quite often associated with abnormal foetal outcomes such as intrauterine growth restriction, foetal anomaly malpresentation, post maturity syndrome and foetal distress in labour
Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PMCH, Udaipur during the period of March 2015 to February 2016. The study group comprised of 50 clinically and sonographically proven cases of oligohydramnios in third trimester attending antenatal clinic and those admitted in antenatal ward and clean labour room at random.
Results: Maximum no. (72% of patients) were in age group of 20-25 years and only 2 patients were less than 20years of age. 68% cases were from urban and 32% were from rural areas, as urban population is more aware about prenatal care. higher incidence of oligohydramnios cases were belonging to lower and middle class families i.e. 44% and 40% respectively and only 8 patients were from upper socio-economic status.
Conclusion: it is suggested that for idiopathic oligohydramnios, intravenous aminoacid may prove useful in reducing maternal morbidity and perinatal morbidity and mortality and improving pregnancy outcome in developing countries.
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