Comparative Study of Ultrasound Therapy and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy in Cases of Tennis Elbow
Lateral epicondylitis, U.S. therapy, PEMF TherapyAbstract
Background: Tennis elbow is a syndrome of insidious onset with tenderness, pain in movement and decline in grip strength. Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) and ultrasonic therapies (U.S. therapies) are proving adjuncts for enhancing fracture healing, reducing inflammation and symptom relief to varied extent in different reports. The benefit of two therapy regimens in tennis elbow is comparatively evaluated in patient of our region.
Methods: 60 patients sequentially enrolled following informed consent were administered either PEMF or ultrasound therapy daily for 6 weeks. Parameters examined were pain score, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and pain free grip strength (PFGS).
. Results: It was found that either of the therapies PEMF and U.S.therapy significantly improved the three tested parameters. The relative improvement in pain score between two treatment groups did not significantly differ. PEMF give significantly higher gain in PPT and very marked gain in PFGS as compared to U.S. therapy.
Conclusion: PEMF therapy was found to yield significantly superior relief than ultrasound therapy in patient of lateral epicondylitis with respect to pain, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and pain free grip strength (PFGS). Improvement in pain score was similar in two groups.
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