Outcome Evaluation of Extracapsular Hip Fractures Managed with IMN and 32 mm Threaded Lag Screw DHS Plate
Extracapsular Hip Fractures, DHS PlateAbstract
Background: Present prospective study is an effort to find out outcome of procedures opted for the fixation of the extracapsular hip fractures. Basic objective of the study is to search best mode of fixation for intertrochanteric fracture so that the patients especially older are benefitted the most. Methods: The present study is carried out in two medical college concomitantly. Total 80 patients have been included in this study. Patients were divided in two groups A, B (40 patients in each group). Surgical intervention of group ‘ A ‘was done in RNTMC, Udaipur with 32 mm threaded lag screw DHS plate & other 40 patients of group ‘B’ were managed surgically in AIMS & RC in Rajsamand with intramedullary nailing. Extracapsular hip fracture classified according to AO & fixed accordingly to their group plan. Functional status evaluated with Salvati & Wilson assessment score.
Result-Both groups were evaluated up to 12 months minimum. At the end of 12 months result of group ‘B’ (treated with IMN) were quite superior & promising as compared to group ‘A’ (treated with 32 mm threaded lag screw DHS plate).
Conclusion: Although there is no difference in long term follow up but early results in terms of convalescence, rehabilitation, early return to pre fracture level was found better in group ‘B ‘so the IMN should be considered as preferable mode of fixation in intertrochanteric fracture in all age groups.
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