Assessment of Behavior of Women during Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding and Its Effect: An Observational Study
Abnormal, Bleeding, MenstrualAbstract
Background: Up to 30% of women suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) at some point in their lives. Despite the high prevalence of HMB, many women lack a fundamental understanding of the disorder and often present to the emergency department seeking treatment rather than obtaining preventive care in outpatient health clinics. Hence; we planned the present study to assess behavior of women during abnormal menstrual bleeding.
Methods: A total of 50 subjects with abnormal bleeding and 50 subjects with normal menstrual bleeding were included in the present study. A self-framed questionnaire was prepared and was given to all the subjects. Complete demographic data of all the patients was obtained. The questionnaire covered the topics for covering the behavioral aspect of women during abnormal menstrual bleeding and it effect.
Results: ‘Significant results were obtained while comparing the behavior changes among the subjects of the normal bleeding group and of abnormal bleeding group. It was observed that abnormal bleeding had significant negative impact on the quality of life. It often resulted in significant limitation of work, avoidance of social activities, avoidance of travel and feeling of physical weakness. Conclusion: Abnormal bleeding pattern significantly affects the quality of life of women. Therefore, adequate awareness programs should be initiated by community health centers for increasing the awareness of general population about abnormal bleeding and its consequences.
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