A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study on Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Coronary Artery Disease Cases
Metabolic syndrome, IHD, cardio metabolic risk factorsAbstract
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the major causes of death in the developed world. It has been reported that there is high prevalence of cardiac risk factors and associated morbidity in the adult population. These risk factors are known as the metabolic syndrome. Due to the alterations in lifestyle, low physical activity, the epidemic of obesity and insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome is a growing health problem in adults.
Methods: In this study, 150 total numbers of cases were included. This study conducted in the Department of Medicine in K M Medical College & Hospital, Mathura. The duration of study was over period of one year.
Results: In this study, 150 total numbers of cases were included. Out of 150 cases 65.4% were male and 34.6% were female.36% cases 51-60 age group predominantly found followed by >60 & <51. This study showed risk factor of Diabetic mellitus which were in 67 cases in IHD with metabolic syndrome group. While in IHD without metabolic syndrome group IHD higher risk found followed by other group.
Conclusions: This study suggested that, Metabolic syndrome significantly increases the risk of coronary artery disease also. To prevent the development of metabolic syndrome, it is necessary to modify lifestyle.
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