Outcomes of Metformin on Lipid Profile of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital
Metformin, Gluconeogenesis, Diabetic MellitusAbstract
INTRODUCTION:-Metformin acts mainly at the liver by reducing glucose output and secondarily, by augmenting glucose uptake in the peripheral tissues, primarily muscle. These effects are facilitated by the activation of an upstream kinase, liver kinase B1 (LKB-1), which in turn controls the downstream kinase adenosine monophosphates protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK phosphorylates a transcriptional co-activator, transducer of regulated CREB protein 2, resulting in its inactivation which consequently down regulates transcriptional events that promote synthesis of gluconeogenic enzymes
METHODOLOGY:- 200 total numbers of cases were included of diabetic mellitus who received 1500mg/day metformin. The duration of study was one year.
RESULT:- In results observed that decrease in fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL- C and TGs. HDL-C levels were increased significantly after treatment.
Therefore, the findings of the present study concluded that metformin used in diabetic treatment improves lipid profile.
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