A Prospective Study on Association Between Deviated Nasal Septum and Sinusitis in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Deviated Nasal septum, Chronic sinusitis, Functional Endoscopic Sinus SurgeryAbstract
Background: Chronic sinusitis (CS) is an extremely prevalent disorder. It affects up to two percent of the world population. It has a significant impact on the quality of life of people [2]. Basically, the word “sinusitis‟ refers to a group of disorders characterized by inflammation of mucosa of nose and paranasal sinuses. Deviated Nasal septum is one of the most common disorder that presents up to 62% of the population. Its role in the pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis remains uncertain.
Methods: Two groups were included in this study .Each group had 30 cases with Midline nasal septum & Deviated nasal septum. This study conducted in the Department. of ENT, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences, Hapur. The duration of the study was over a period of six month.
Results: We were studied two groups, 30 cases involved in group I of Midline nasal septum and in group II 30 cases involved with Deviated nasal septum. In this study we showed symptom & sign of rhinoscopy. In the group I, 14 cases had congested nasal mucosa followed by 10 cases of nasal discharge, 4 cases of inferior turbinate hypertrophy & 2 cases of Middle turbinate hypertrophy.
Conclusions: that management of chronic maxillary sinusitis should include simultaneous treatment of any anatomical variation. For treating chronic sinusitis along with deviated nasal septum, nowadays treatment of choice is Septoplasty along with Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). FESS technique is used for managing sinus infection and ostial obstruction.
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