A Prospective Analytical Study on PCOD Women with Reference to Clinical, Biochemical and Ultrasound Parameters
PCOS, infertility, LH, FSH, hyperandrogenismAbstract
INTRODUCTION: - The clinical signs and symptoms of PCOS also vary among ethnic groups. The reason could be due to differences in lifestyle, dietary factors, genetic and biochemical composition. As the etiopathogenesis of this syndrome still seems to be unclear, a common definition and proper treatment plan for PCOS does not exist.
METHODOLOGY: - 100 total number of cases were included in this study. This study was carried in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda, Punjab
RESULT:- In the present study showed highly significant Pearson correlation between LH/FSH & FT3, LH/FSH & TSH, Serum prolactin & TSH.
CONCLUSION:-This study was suggested that, TVS is the most the important diagnostic tool and serum LH/FSH ratio was secondary tool.
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