A Prospective Study on Role of Prophylactic Antibiotics and Incidence of Postoperative Wound Infection in Surgery IPD


  • Mohammed Ashraf Khan Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Rajsamand Author




SSIs, elective surgeries, emergency surgeries, wound infections


Introduction:- In the advancement of surgery, post-operative wound infection has been the greatest obstacle from down the centuries. For safe surgery, Lister introduced antiseptic methods. The initiation of antibiotics did raise the hope of a permanent solution to post-operative infection but later it has become the nightmare of the surgeon.

Methodology:- Two groups were included in this study. Each group had 200 cases. This study conducted by department of Surgery in Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Rajsamand. The duration of the study over a period of one and half year.

Result:- In our study, two groups were included, each group has 200 cases. In group A we had found 7% cases infected out of 200 cases, while in Group B had 34% infected cases out of total number of cases. Out of all cases we were found maximum infected cases from 41-50 ages in both groups.

Conclusion:- This study conclude that, to prevent surgical-site infections, it is essential for the surgeons to take appropriate steps to avoid local microbial factors.


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