A Comparative Analysis on Anesthetic Requirement and Peri-Operative Hemodynamic Stress Response after a Single Dose of Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl: A Hospital Based Study
Introduction:- Fentanyl which is a short acting, synthetic opioid delivers cardiac stability at therapeutic doses and effectively blocks the sympathetic stress response to surgical stimulus. It also provides further hemodynamic stability. The Bispectral Index (BIS) is a derived electroencephalographic parameter. It has been widely validated as a monitor for depth of anesthesia.
Methodology:- 99 patients of either sex, between age Group of 18 – 60 years, ASA Grade I and Grade II, scheduled for surgery under general anesthesia were randomly selected and included in this study. The duration of study was over a period of one year. This study was conducted in the Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre.
Result:- In this study we were included two groups. 34% male & 66% female were included in Group I. While in Group 2 33% male & 67% female were included. Baseline characteristics of both the groups were not significantly different. There were no significant differences in age & sex& mean duration of surgery between two groups.(p>0.05 )
Conclusion:- This study colludes that, it was inferred that Fentanyl can also help to attenuate laryngoscopic stress response, as the rise in hemodynamics after laryngoscopy and intubation was within the normal limits of heart rate.
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