Role of Amniotic Fluid Index in Assessing the Pregnancy Outcomes in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Amniotic fluid index, Polyhydramnios, OligohydramniosAbstract
Background: Amniotic fluid plays an essential role in the well-being of the fetus. Oligohydramnios or reduced amount of amniotic fluid volume is a commonly observed obstetric problem during third trimester of pregnancy. It is accompanied by the broad range of reproductive disorders including anomalies of fetus and functional disorders of mother, fetus and placenta. Aim and objectives: This prospective study was conducted to know the incidence of polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios in our setup and to discover various possible etiological factors for abnormal AFI.
Methods: We performed a study on 59 patients over a period of one year. Study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Detailed history, general examination and local examination were done. All the cases were subjected to ultrasonography to see for maturity, AFI, congenital anomalies. Analysis were made regarding mode of delivery and perinatal outcome. Results: There were total 32 cases of oligohydramnios and 13 cases of polyhydramnios and 45 cases with normal AFI. In ultrasonography, 68 cases had full term maturity and 22 cases were preterm. 37 cases had AFI ≤5 cm, 8 cases had AFI ≥24, and 45 cases had AFI between 6-23.
Conclusions: Amniotic fluid index assessment has become an important part of ante-partum fetal surveillance and also Continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring and good neonatal care support is essential for optimum perinatal outcome.
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