A Comparative Analysis on Regional Verses Local Anaesthesia in Hemorrhoidectomy Cases
Hemorrhoidectomy, anorectal condition, defecationAbstract
Background: Haemorrhoidal disease is a common anorectal condition. It is classified as external or internal. It also depends on their origin, i.e. below or above the dentate line and both of which can coexist. Its etiology includes low residue diet, straining at defecation, constricting cancer, portal hypertension, aging and weakness of muscle supporting veins, constipation, prostatism, sitting or standing for long periods of time, obesity, the lifting of heavy weights over a long period, repeated diarrhea and dysentery and the tendency to suppress the urge to defaecate or flatulate
Methods: In this comparative study we were included 60 cases, which were split in local anesthesia group & spinal anesthesia group. This study was conducted in Department of Anesthesia.
Results: In our study 60 total numbers of cases were included. We observed Median pain score in this study that was in 0 cases at 30 min, in 3 cases at 2 hours,3 cases at 4 hours, in 2 cases at 8 hours & in 0 cases at 12 hours in both groups.
Conclusions: This study concludes that Hemorrhoidectomy can be done in local anesthesia with perianal block. Though, this method of anesthesia is associated with lower postoperative complication. Post-operative pain is similar to spinal anesthesia.
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