Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency Among Old Patients Visiting OPD of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital


  • Anupam Seth Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly Author
  • Bharat Kumar Kalra Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly Author



Geriatric Patients, Vitamin D Deficiency, Osteomalacia


Background: Vitamin D Deficiency is very much prevalent in India which is unexpected in a tropical country with abundant sunshine (8). India is located between 8.4°N and 37.6°N latitude. Most of its population living in regions experiencing optimum sunlight throughout the year. Despite its sunny environment, hypovitaminosis D is common in India.

Methods: 320 geriatric patients were included of both sexes. This study was conducted in Department of Medicine at Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly
Results: We found that in this study, 66.8% cases suffered from deficiency, 28.2% insufficiency. Only 5% cases were normal.

Conclusions: This study concludes that Vitamin D deficiency is a key public health problem among geriatric age group.


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