A Prospective Study on Serum Uric Acid Level in Predicting Outcome in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Acute myocardial infraction, Uric acid, STEMIAbstract
Background: Higher levels of SUA are also associated with hypertension and renal disease. It is observed in >75% of patients with malignant hypertension. This elevation has been reported as a result of decreased renal blood flow and resultant increased urate reabsorption. It has been further reported that a 1 mg/dL increase in SUA levels was associated with a 26% increase in mortality.
Methods: . The duration of study was over a period of two year. Total 204 cases were included with acute myocardial infraction. This study was conducted in the Department of Medicine.
Results: In this study 204 cases of acute myocardial infraction were included. Among all cases 132 were male & 72 were female. Prevalence of uric acid level in acute MI cases were 4.1-5.5 mg/dl seen in 28.4% followed by >7.0 mg/dl in 27.4%, <4 mg/dl in 22.5% & 5.6-7.0 mg/dl in 21.5%.
Conclusions: This study concludes that serum uric acid is a cheap and effective prognostic indicator of AMI.
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