A Prospective Study on Cytological Analysis of Pleural, Ascitic & Pericardial Effusions in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Cytological Analysis, Pleural Fluid, Ascitic Fluid & Pericardial FluidAbstract
Background: In the diagnosis of various lesions, cytological analyses of effusions play an important role. It contributes in cancer research and staging of various tumors.1 Pleural, ascitic, pericardial and synovial are some of the most commonly analyzed fluids. In the analysis of effusions, the differentiation of transudates and exudates is the first step as it often provides an indication of the underlying pathophysiological process, the differential diagnosis and the need for further investigation. The major purpose of body fluid cytology is the detection of malignant cells.
Methods: The present study was conducted in the dept. of Pathology, Krishna Mohan Medical College & Hospital, Mathura, U.P, India. 284 total numbers of cases were included in this study. The duration of study was over a period of one year.
Results: In this study, 284 cases were included in this study. Among all 168 cases were male rest were female. In our study, most of the people were belongs to 41-50 (64%) age group followed by other age group. In this present study, 60.56% were collected pleural fluid followed by 38.73% Ascitic fluid & 0.70% pericardial fluid.
Conclusions: This study suggested that, cytological study of body fluids is an inexpensive and simple procedure. It is also useful in finding the etiology and in understanding the course of disease.
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