A Retrospective Study on Evaluation of Bronchogenic Carcinoma by CT in a Tertiary Care Teaching Centre
Multi Detector Computed Tomography, Bronchogenic Carcinoma, MortalityAbstract
Background: Bronchogenic carcinoma is most common cause of cancer-related mortality in the developed world with incidence rising in developing countries. MDCT is the modality of choice for evaluating the lung carcinomas.
Methods: In this study 53 total numbers of cases were involved. This study was conducted in department of Radiology.
Results: This study revealed that 47.2% cases of adenocarcinoma, 32.1% cases squamous cell carcinoma,15.1% cases small cell carcinoma & 5.6% cases large cell carcinoma.
Conclusions: This study concludes that in diagnosis of bronchogenic carcinoma, CT is a highly sensitive and specific test. Multi Detector Computed Tomography has a high positive predictive value.
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