Incidence of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
VAP, Micro-Organisms, Nosocomial pneumoniaAbstract
Background: The present study was attempted for multivariate analysis through principal component analysis for carotid intima medial thickness (CIMT) as dependent variable compared to different independent variables used as parameters in diabetes and dyslipidaemia. Invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) should have to be used commonly to stabilize and treat critically ill patients in an ICU. Iatrogenic lung damages, including VAP, have been reported as some hazards of MV. These hazards are affected by the severity of illness, duration of MV, immunity and physiological reserve of the individual.
Methods: The biochemical and obese data of total 75 patients were taken from earlier study. The data of six biochemical markers of DM and dyslipidaemia along with one obese marker and CIMT were analysed. Data were analysed for Pearson’s-Spearman correlation coefficients matrix for the relationships between CIMT and parameters of DM as well as dyslipidaemia. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated predictor variables. Individual PC scores were generated from their risk factors loadings for DM and dyslipidaemia separately. The duration of study was over a period of one year. This study was conducted in the Department of Medicine. The study was over a period of one year and it was separated into a 6 month for pre-implementation period throughout which standard care used for mechanically ventilated cases and a for the post-implementation period also 6 months included throughout which a VAP care bundle was effected.
Results: In our study 323 & 306 cases were required >48 hrs during Pre-implementation period & during Post-implementation period respectively. Different types of microorganism we isolated from all cases.
Conclusions: It can be concluding that constant compliance with quality improvement practices would reduce the incidence of VAP shortly.
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