A Longitudinal Study on Visual Problems of Medical Students using Smart Phones in Haldia, India
follow-up, medical students, smart phones, visual problemsAbstract
Background: Blue light is essential for good health. Ocular complaints of users of electronic screens are collectively known as “Computer Vision Syndrome”. There are very few longitudinal studies about effect of HEV light on medical students in the Indian setting.
Methods: A longitudinal study with three visits at initial day, three and six months was designed to record the ocular health of medical students. IOP, TBUT and eye dryness were measured with standard tools. Mean differences in values at the end of three visits were calculated and analysed. Numbers having astigmatism were compared using Cochran’s Q test.
Results: Number of students having astigmatism at the end of the study was statistically significant when compared to baseline. No significant change in cylindrical power. IOP, TBUT and Schirmer Test values all showed highly significant changes over three visits.
Conclusions: There was significant visual deterioration among the study population over the course of the study, which points to the urgency of adopting precautionary measures while using devices like smart phones, which emanate blue light.
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