Analysis of Blood Donor Deferral Pattern in a New Blood Bank of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi Region
Blood bank, Donor deferral, Temporary, Permanent causesAbstract
Background: A screening procedure is mandatory before blood donation to ensure safety of blood donors and recipients. This process can lead to deferral of blood donors due to temporary or permanent reasons and eventually shortage of blood unit or donor pool. By analysing the donor deferral pattern and motivating them, donor pool may be recruited in future for further blood donation.
Objective : To study the deferral rate and different causes of donor deferral in a newly established blood bank of a tertiary set up in South Delhi.
Methods: It is a retrospective study conducted at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (HIMSR) over a period of 7 years (2012-2018) since the inception of its new blood bank in 2012. All the donors were screened in accordance with the National guidelines. Data was analysed with respect to their age, sex, type of donors, type of deferral and reasons for deferral.
Results: A total of 7806 donors were registered (7503 Males, 303 Females) during the study period, out of which 988 (12.6%) donors were deferred. Amongst deferred donors, males (81.6%) outnumbered the females (18.31%). Overall deferral percentage was 12.6% which was more common in females (59.7%) as compared to males (10.7%). Most common cause of deferral in our study was Anaemia (43.2%) followed by Alcoholism (13%) and Hypertension (10%).
Conclusions: Studying the pattern of blood donor deferrals and its causes will help in identifying the donor population which could be targeted to increase the donor pool by participation in voluntary blood donations.
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