Patient participation in diabetic care: Knowledge, practice, Implementation and attitude of diabetic patients at Civil Hospital Karachi
Diabetes mellitus, attitudes, practices, awarenessAbstract
Objective: To assess the knowledge of diabetic care and its practice among diabetic individuals coming to Civil Hospital Karachi.
Methodology: Total 345 diabetic subjects suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus from the ages of 30 years and above were included in this cross sectional study. Their demographic data, knowledge, attitude and practice was recorded about the different aspects of diabetes mellitus. Data was collected from type 2 diabetic subjects and analysis was done by using SPSS 16.0.
Results: Among 345 diabetic subjects, educational status of the patients played the prime role in both knowledge and its implementation. The result focused around parameters such as awareness of glucose monitoring, awareness of being non-compliant to drugs, importance of weight loss, awareness of diabetic complications and importance of exercise, all above implying to awareness / knowledge of the patient regarding their disease. We also assessed their care about their disease by the following parameters which included regular sugar checkups, regular exercise, ophthalmologist visit and implementation of the knowledge in their daily life.
Conclusion: The frequency of knowledge, attitude and practice about the diabetes was low in most areas of diabetic knowledge and care emphasizing the need for more educational efforts.
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