Breakfast and Academic Performance among College and University Students: Review of the Available Literature


  • quratulain javaid Bahria University Medical and Dental College, Anatomy Department, 1st floor (Sailor Street, Adjacent PNS-SHIFA D.H.A. Phase 2 Karachi Author



Breakfast, students, academic performance, college, university


Breakfast is one of the three essential meals consumed in a day. The nutrition provided by the breakfast is considered as a building block in maintenance of the functional activity of the body and henceforth is linked to the quality of life of an individual. The nutrients in the breakfast are sources of energy supply and maintains alertness, concentration and cognition. Among the students, regular intake of breakfast is associated with increased level of subject comprehension, regular attendance and increase ability to solve complicated tasks. Breakfast skipping is associated with lack of energy, disturbances in cognitive functions, mood changes, problems to retain memory and low academic scores. With higher level of education, workload rises and the demand of nutrition increases. The college and university level students are required to include healthy diet plan and should start their day with healthy breakfast. The aim of this review article is to ascertain the importance of habitual breakfast intake and its linkage to the academic performance of the college and university students. Research articles were analysed by the help of three databases; Google Scholar, PUBMED and APA database from 2005 to 2020. There is relationship of breakfast intake and educational performance of the individuals. Those who are habitual breakfast consumers have better academic achievement as compared to those who skip breakfast.


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