Retrospective Evaluation of Presentation and Management of Liver Abscess Patients
Liver, Abscess, ManagementAbstract
Background: Liver abscesses are potentially lethal diseases if early diagnosis and treatment are not instituted. They are prevalent all over the globe and pyogenic abscesses are predominant over amoebic. Hence; the present study was conducted for evaluating presentation and management of Liver abscess patients.
Materials & Methods: Data records of a total of 50 patients of liver abscess were analysed. Complete demographic and clinical details of all the patients were obtained from the record files. A separate Performa was made and treatment protocol followed along with follow-up details was recorded. All the results were recorded in Microsoft excel sheet and were analysed by SPSS software.
Results: Pain abdomen, fever and anorexia were found to be present in 98 percent, 92 percent and 96 percent of the patients respectively. Nausea/ vomiting, Diarrhea, cough and weight loss were present in 28 percent, 38 percent and 86 percent of the patients. Pallor, jaundice, hepatomegaly and pleural effusion were the main associated signs identified among patients of liver abscess.In 82 percent of the patients, abscess drainage was done using percutaneous needle aspiration, while in 12 percent of the patients; abscess drainage was done by pigtail drainage.
Conclusion: Liver abscess is a serious health condition which has a poor prognosis if left untreated. Early recognition of the signs and symptoms is necessary for improving the prognosis along with morbidity and mortality associated with it.
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