A Study of Anaemia in Hypothyroidism
Anaemia, Hypothyroidism, Microcytic, HypochromicAbstract
Background: Thyroid hormones are important for maintaining the red cell mass. Patients with hypothyroidism has high chance of anaemia. But it is not given importance mostly in clinical practices. The anaemia seen in hypothyroidism can be either microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic.
Methods: The study was conducted in the department of Physiology and department of Medicine in J N Medical College, Aligarh. 50 patients with hypothyroidism was included in the study. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism was confirmed by serum TSH levels. They were then sent for complete blood count and peripheral smear study.
Results: 38 out of the 50 patients included in the study were females and rest are males. 24 patients were found to be anaemic. Of these 22 are females and 2 are males. The number of mild, moderate and severe anaemic patients were 7, 15 and 2 respectively. 6 patients were found to be having microcytic anaemia, 13 having normocytic and 5 patients were having macrocytic anaemia.
Conclusions: Moderate anaemia (62.5%) is found in maximum number of hypothyroid patients included in this study. Morphologically, normocytic anaemia is the most common followed by microcytic and macrocytic types. Anaemia should not be overlooked in the management of hypothyroidism.
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