To Evaluate the Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Pyogenic Liver Abscess
Pyogenic, Liver AbscessAbstract
Background: Liver abscess is one of the most important clinical problems. Pyogenic liver abscess (PLA) is defined as a collection of pus surrounded by a fibrous layer of tissue in the liver. The present study was undertaken for evaluating the epidemiological and clinical profile of pyogenic liver abscess.
Materials & Methods: A total of 150 patients presenting with signs and symptoms of liver abscess was enrolled. Thorough clinical examination was carried out and abdominal ultrasonography along with examination of the aspirates was done for confirming the diagnosis. Positive bacterial culture report from the aspirate further confirmed the presence of pyogenic liver abscess. Complete demographic data was recorded in a Performa. Detailed history of all the patients was taken and clinical profile was recorded. A questionnaire was made and epidemiological profile was also recorded.
Results: 28.67 percent of the patients belonged to the age group of more than 60 years. 58 percent of the patients belonged to the lower class while 41.33 percent of the patients belonged to the middle class. 80.67 percent of the patients were males. While assessing the clinical profile, it was seen that fever and pain abdomen was seen in 100 percent of the patients each. Jaundice was seen in 77.33 percent of the patients while diarrhoea was seen in 73.33 percent of the patients. Hepatomegaly was observed 83.33 percent of the patients.
Conclusion: Pyogenic liver abscess mostly manifests in the form of pain abdomen, fever and hepatomegaly and mostly affects subjects of lower socioeconomic state.
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