Evaluation of the Anti-Obesity Effect of Sitagliptin in Animal Model of Obesity
Anti-Obesity Drugs, Weight Loss Agents, high fat diet, sitagliptin, orlistatAbstract
Background: Obesity is a chronic disorder which involves an excess accumulation of body fat. It is a growing health problem of increasing prevalence in many countries, reaching alarming proportions not only in adults, but also among children and adolescents which leads to substantial increase in morbidity, and mortality. The use of antiobesity drugs in management of obesity is vital. Many attempts have been made to develop novel drugs to treat obesity and several of these drugs have been withdrawn from the market because of various side effects. GLP-1 agonist and the pathways associated with it are a new potential and promising targets for the treatment of obesity.
Objective: : (1) To evaluate the anti-obesity effect of orlistat (2) To evaluate the anti-obesity effect of sitagliptin (3) To compare the anti-obesity effect of orlistat and sitagliptin in animal model of obesity.
Methods: This study was a prospective study of 17 weeks duration. Obesity due to high fat diet was induced in rats over a period of 17 weeks. Orlistat and sitagliptin were administered for 5 weeks and various parameters like body weight, blood glucose, food intake & BMI were measured over a period of 5 weeks.
Results: In this study upon administration of orlistat there was a gradual loss in weight in rats. Sitagliptin showed significant decline in weight (P<0.05) in rats. It also showed statistically significant (P<0.05) reduction in blood glucose among all the groups. Orlistat and sitagliptin had no significant effect on food intake. Reduction in BMI lead to reduction in Blood glucose levels of rats.
Conclusion: Sitagliptin showed the most reduction of blood glucose, it also showed reduction in total body weight. Orlistat was found to be least efficacious in terms of reduction in total body weight, food intake, blood glucose and BMI in rats.
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