A Prospective Study to Effect of Age on Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Tests in Healthy Subjects in Mulayam Singh Yadav Medical College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh: An Institutional Based Study
Autonomic Function Test, Parasympathetic Activity, Sympathetic Activity, Healthy SubjectsAbstract
Background: Chronologic & biologic ageing begin at conception, although senescent changes, defined as functional declines are usually apparent only after sexual maturation. age though both sympathetic and parasympathetic are affected but parasympathetic involvement appears to be more frequent than sympathetic. This is a present study to evaluate the effect of age on cardiovascular autonomic function tests in healthy subjects (18-65 years) of both sexes.
Materials &Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out in 100 healthy subjects in the age range of 18 - 65 years randomly selected among the staff & students of Mulayam Singh Yadav Medical college, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. All the subjects were divided in to group I to group IV. All the subjected were recording of their physical anthropometry, various physiological parameters and autonomic function parameters.
Results: We found a significant (p=0.02) increase in the BMI of subjects from Group I to Group IV except in Group II. There is insignificant (p=0.107) decrease in the BSA of subjects from Group I to Group IV. Parasympathetic activity test was statistically significant from Group I to Group IV. BP response to sustained handgrip was statistically significant from Group I to Group IV but BP response to standing was statistical non-significant (P=0.203).
Conclusion: We have tried to present different cardiovascular autonomic function tests both as absolute values & also as function scores. It appears that presenting autonomic function as function score can be easily interpreted. Autonomic function expressed as grading as per function score may be more useful for clinical purposes.
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