Epidemiology of Type 1 Bipolar Disorder and Associated Personality Traits in a Tertiary Level Psychiatry Centerorder and Associated Personality Traits in a Tertiary Level Psychiatry Center
Bipolar 1 disorder, Epidemiology, Personality TraitsAbstract
Background:Bipolar disorders are frequently associated with diverse Axis I psychiatric co- morbidities and Axis II personality disorders which affect treatment strategies and outcome in such patients. Present study was undertaken with the aim to study regarding Epidemiology and associated personality traits in patients of Bipolar 1 disorder in full remission.
Methods: This was a single point cross-sectional study of patients of Bipolar 1 disorder in remission attending a Tertiary level Psychiatry Center; to assess Epidemiology of Type 1 Bipolar Disorder and associated Personality Traits by using appropriate tools.
Results: Total study sample was 107. The mean age of onset, mean number of episodes, mean duration of affective episode and mean duration of inter episodic symptom free period was 22.68±2.95 years, 4.34±2.35, 2.88 ± 2.03 months and 2.14 ± 1.96 years respectively for the total sample. Mean number of episodes was 5.33±2.72 for Axis II disorder group. Mania was the first episode in 82.24% patients. 22.43% subjects were diagnosed with Axis II disorder while 42.99% subjects had axis II traits. 70.83% of the patients with axis II disorder had a history of suicidal ideation as compared to 40.54% of patients without any axis II disorder/trait.
Conclusion: Mean age of onset of Bipolar 1 disorder was in early twenties with Mania being much more common. Presence of comorbid axis II disorders and traits led to increased duration and number of affective episodes as compared to those without any co-morbid axis II disorder/trait. Suicidal behaviour was frequent even more in the patients with comorbid axis II disorders.
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