A Hospital Based Prospective Study to Evaluate the Relationship of Micro Vascular and Macro Vascular Complications with Magnesium Levels in Patients with DM-2
Hypomagnesaemia, Type 2 DM, HbA1c level, Microvascular, Macrovascular, ComplicationsAbstract
Background:Micronutrients have been explored as a probably preventive and curative agents for T2DM and their complexity. Not all studies, however, observed a correlation between glycemic control and serum magnesium levels or improvement of diabetic control with magnesium replacement.
Methods: A hospital based prospective study was done on 30 patients with DM type 2 attending medicine OPD and admitted in Government (RVRS) Medical College, Bhilwara were taken as cases also of Age group above 30 years. Presence of diabetes mellitus was defined as per Indian Diabetes Federation [IDF] Criteria and Dyslipidemia as per NCEP ATP III and IDF guidelines.
Results: In this study the commonest age group for type 2 DM was more than 41-60 years which comprised of 63.33% of the patients. The male to female ration was 3:1. The mean serum magnesium levels in patients with HbA1c levels ≥ 9.5% were significantly low (1.559±0.389 mg/dL) compared to patient with HbA1c levels 6.5 to 6.99% (1.622 ± 0.591mg/dL). This difference was statistically non significant (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Our study suggested that hypomagnesemia is widely prevalent in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and also related with poor glycaemic control and longer duration of diabetes.
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