Association of Sociodemographic Factors with Feeding Practices among Infants in Urban Area of Kanpur District
Complementary feeding, Nutrition interventions, IYCFAbstract
Background: National Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding should become an integral part of nation-wide integrated child development Services (ICDS) and the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme. These need to be effectively operationalized through the programme managers and field functionaries of these on-going programmes. This can happen only when they are practically oriented to the correct norms of IYCF. Methods: A cross sectional study of feeding practices amongst77 mothers of infants was conducted in the Rama medical college hospital and research centre Kanpur. This study was conducted over a period of six months.
Results: Out of 77 mothers, 46.7 %of the mothers were in the age group of less than 25 years followed by 52% of the mothers in the age group 25 -34 years and only 1.3 % of the mothers were more than 35 years of age.. All of the respondents in the study group had delivered in hospital.
Conclusion: Time of complementary feeding initiation varied according child’s gender, predominant caregiver of the child, mother’s parity and socio economic status of the family, which were found to be statistically significant.
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