A Study of Work Environment & Social Problems of Female SafaiKaramcharis Registered in Nagar Nigam Aligarh
Female SafaiKaramchari, Dalit, UntouchableAbstract
Background:SafaiKaramchari refers to all sorts of workers engaged in cleaning jobs, including those who handle dry and wet waste, and those who sweep. Among all sort of works, this profession is considered the lowest and being a Female SafaiKaramchari is bound to be associated with various problem. We did this study to explore Work environment & Social problems among them.
Methods: A cross sectional study was done selecting female safaikaramchari across wards of Nagar Nigam Aligarh city. A closed-ended, semi-structured questionnaire was used to assess work environment & Social problems among them.
Results: A total of 35 female safaikaramchari were found during the study. Majority were middle aged, Married, group, hindu, living in the nuclear family, and were illiterate. All were street sweepers, about half (45.7%) were working on a contractual basis, Nearly half of them study faced ill-treatment from the employer and abused at their workplace. None were given any safety equipment for their jobs. Prevalence of alcoholism was 5.7% and 22.9% said they used tobacco for chewing although none reported to be smoker. Almost one-third (34.3) of the female safaikaramchari had Pscychiatric problem.
Conclusion: The female SafaiKaramcharis were regulary suppressed and abused at work. They are cleaning the city without the safety equipment makig them at risk for infectious disease and injuries. All these are contributing towards Pscychiatric problem in them. Authority should take note and should work towards uplifting the condition of Female SafaiKaramchari.
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