A Study to Record the Changes in Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Levels on Vitamin C and E Supplementation in Urban Population
Diabetes, Lipid Profile, Vitamin C & EAbstract
Background:Antioxidants are chemical compounds that giving an electron to free radical molecules convert them to a harmless configuration, avoiding damaging chain reaction, which involve lipids, proteins enzymes carbohydrates, DNA, cell and nuclear membranes lead to cell death. Either exogenous or endogenous they are addressed to prevent the oxidation induced damage, a process that causes damage in all tissues through free radicals chemical reactivity. Our aim was defining the state of the art of antioxidant therapy, with specific reference on the evidence based clinical use of Vitamin C & E in diabetic, hypertensive& nutritional anemic patients in rural population.
Methods: It is an interventional study done on 420 patients. These were divided in six groups each 70 patients both control & test in rural population which is of low density. Control group comprises of diabetic, anemic & anemic patients on treatment without supplementation & test group of 70 patients with supplementation. Both groups received treatment for 12 weeks.
Results: Combined doses of both vitamins showed improvement in hemoglobulin; however post prandial blood sugar & HbA1c levels in type 2 diabetics showed moderate glycaemia control.
Conclusion: Patients with diabetes, heart diseases &anaemia showed marked improvement in various parameters with supplementation of antioxidants with therapy.
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