Comparative Study of Heart Rate Variability Between Smokers and Gutka Chewers
HRV, Smokers, Gutkha chewersAbstract
Background:There is an established link between smoking, gutka chewing and impaired cardiovascular health in middle-aged or older population.
OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of Heart rate variability (HRV) in smokers and gutka chewers for assessing cardiac autonomic nervous system.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional case-control study involving 40 male smokers (age group 20-60 years), 40 gutkha chewers (age group 20-60 years) along with 40 age matched healthy male controls. Case and control subjects were evaluated for Time domain parameters: Mean RR interval(s); Mean HR(ms); RMSSD(ms) and Frequency domain HRV parameters: LF (ms2); HF (ms2); LF/HF ratio; LF(n.u); HF(n.u) and LF/HF ratio. Level of significance derived using unpaired student “t” test.
Results: Changes seen in Heart rate variability (HRV) were more significant in smokers than gutkha chewers when results were compared with control subjects.
Conclusion: Decreased Heart rate variability indicates deranged cardiovascular autonomic nervous system in smokers and gutkha chewers subjects.
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