Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Carcinoma Breast – Morbidity, Technical and Psychological Issues
Carcinoma Breast, Breast Reconstruction, Mastectomy, TRAM Flap, LD FlapAbstract
Background: Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) in breast cancer patients is although a well accepted option but not commonly offered (in our setup). The purpose of present study was to evaluate the technique, morbidity and outcome of IBR in our institute.
Materials and methods: A prospective study with 40 patients of operable cases of carcinoma breast was done where patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy (MRM) were compared with patients undergoing MRM followed by IBR using autologous tissue. Both the groups were evaluated in terms of technical issues, morbidity and clinical outcome. The results were expressed as mean of continuous data. The psychological satisfaction in either groups was noted on body image scale
Results: In the post operative period, complication rate of 35% was noted in study group as compared to 10% in control group. Among these, the rate of seroma formation was 10%, superficial skin necrosis- 15%, total flap loss- 5%, and fat necrosis was 10%. One patient in the study had total flap loss. In study group, 95% of the patients were satisfied with the body image while 80 % of the patients undergoing MRM alone were not satisfied at all.
Conclusion: IBR is a valid option to preserve the feminity and gives a higher level of patient satisfaction than external prosthesis. It can be learnt easily and requires a change in the mindset of the surgeon to incorporate it into practice.
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